Observe Antiquity Through Drawing
Edited by Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats, 2011
Printed and distributed by ESPAIS ETSAB, Barcelona
- see related article "L'orizzonte irraggiungibile", Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats, Dromos (2021)
- see related article in STOÀ 10 “Osservazione / Emozione / Trascrisione” Flores & Prats Interview by Viviana Saitto Italy, ITALIANO / ENGLISH (2024)
This publication collects the experience of a study trip to Pompeii, measuring four houses as an argument to observe antiquity through drawing. Measure Pompeii does not mean drawing all the ruin. The drawing that is requested is an observation drawing and at the same time a design drawing. This work seeks to explain the design quality to be discovered in the house being studied.
The individual who draws inevitably projects their current world and context upon the subject of antiquity, a movement in time, observing history without distance. They appropriate the old examples with the ambition to use them to design, understanding that the design problems of these builders were surely similar to those that are posed today. The drawings, then, are fragmentary, since they reconstruct paths and surprising spatial articulations in each case.
The trip to Naples and Pompeii was a Free Election Course of the ETSAB / UPC, directed by professors Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats, with the collaboration of professors Paolo Giardiello and Marella Santangelo of the Università di Architettura Federico II of Naples, and of his assistants, Giovanni Fabbrocino and Viviana Saitto.
The students of the ETSAB that participated in the course were: Zuzanna Czaplicka, Ana Espinosa, Miguel Gómez, Miguel Ángel Gorrochategui, Noemí Martínez, Maite Moreno, Paula Navarro, Sergi Nieva, Adriano Occhibelli, David Onieva, Maria Ortega, Esther Rodríguez, Anna Sala, Pau Sarquella, Clara Segués, Joris Menno Van Oeveren and Caterina Viguera.