Flores & Prats
Walther König
Barcelona, April 2023
> more information
> purchase here
> presentation at La Capell, Barcelona, 25th April 2023
> film and full presentation at Libreria Spazio, Milan, 15th March 2024
> review by Matteo Vercelloni for INTERNI, October 2023
> review in DOMUS, October 2023 (ITALIANO / ENGLISH)
> review in ARQUITECTURA VIVA, October 2023 (ESPAÑOL / ENGLISH)
> excerpts: “On Drawing by Hand” + “Drawing without Erasing” (pages 11-23) Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats
Flores & Prats. Dibujar sin borrar y otros ensayos / Drawing without Erasing and Other Essays is an anthology of writings around the approach of Flores & Prats to practice. Double edition, Spanish and English, published by Puente Editores and Walther König with an introductory text by Fabrizio Gallanti.
Almost all of the seventeen texts in this anthology revolve around the same topic: drawing. There are subtle variations in the inception and focus on each essay, but they can be read as a unique, continuous monologue that keeps going back to that same core idea, almost compulsively. Flores & Prats believe in the capacity of drawing by hand to generate multiple and complex strata of knowledge about a space or a place, so they use it to guide the successive steps in their design process.
Their obsession with drawing is a form of optimistic resistance, founded on the belief that the tools of architectural representation, rigor and passion, can still help us decipher the world that surrounds us.