For the exhibition at the Association of Architects of Barcelona (COAC) we moved lots of material which is pinned on the walls of the office…models, drawings, photographs, and we located it in a similar way, pilled up against the walls, pining up the models on top of the drawings which they refer to, and following the logic of accumulation which is given in part to the lack of space of our office.
Thus, the projects are not presented complete, but as fragments that associate with others through common ideas or interests, common research themes that connect them in groups or families.
The great continuous space of the Picasso Room at the COAC has been divided into some rooms, some smaller spaces, with the help of very large panels. This dimension refers to the big Picasso murals that cover the walls of the space. The drawings on the panels relate to the Picasso murals not just by its dimension but also by the continuous character of graphs, of the hand drawing in black and white, leaving all related and connected like a vertical carpet.
The big size of the photographs brings us nearer in dimension to the space that contains them, so that people that visit the exhibition seems to be inside the exhibited projects, walking through the spaces of the Mills Museum, or the YUTE’S warehouse or the Badalona House.
With all this material surrounding us, where the order of our working space could be recognised, it was easy to explain to our friends the projects as continuous thoughts, moving from one to another, relating them by shape or history…
Programme: | Exhibition of the work of Flores & Prats Archs’ office at the Association of Architects of Catalonia, in Barcelona |
Design, Production and Installation of the Exhibit: |
Flores & Prats Archs, Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats |
Collaborators: | Martin Dahlerup, Israel Hernando, Claire Palluel, Sara Gerber, Angela Wright, Marta Angelilli |
Vídeo: | Eugenia Troncoso |
Photographs: | Hisao Suzuki, Alex García |
Situation: | Picasso Room at COAC, Barcelona |
Date of the Project: | 19th December 2003 to 2nd January 2004 |