Atelier Flores & Prats, Spring Semester 2024, Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio
Second Hand – Local Food Market for Mendrisio
Our Atelier has been interested in working with existing buildings, bringing a new episode to their lives by occupying them with a new programme, always related to Food.
Until now, we have been working with Food Culture and Food Scarcity in the city of Barcelona. This semester, we will be focused on Food Production, proposing the design of a Local Food Market in Mendrisio.
This programme will open the possibility to visit some agricultural farms around Mendrisio, to get to know the people who work and take care of the land, visiting food manufacturers and following the path of the products until they arrive to the markets, and then to our hands.
To get to know about the logistics and the everyday cycle of a market, the Atelier proposes a trip to visit the markets of Vicenza, Padova and Venezia, to observe its organization and daily activity from the early morning hours until they close in the afternoon.
The Atelier has identified, in the city of Mendrisio, three different buildings and sites that are suitable for the new arrival of a market programme.
Professor: Eva Prats
Assistants: Laura Martínez del Olmo and Michela Romanò
> Final reviews gallery
> Mid Term reviews gallery
> Studio website